While restaurant owners, hospital and healthcare personnel, and other commercial entities around our great nation take up action and install these devices to end contamination in terms of hand hygiene, we are asking all municipal government entities to take action as well and have this great product introduced to your district as well. This should cultivate in a national effort to battle illness and contamination in any way we can, and this starts with simple steps to proper hand hygiene as outlined by the Center For Disease Control (CDC).
We ask all state, county, and city health authorities to reach out to us on getting these devices distributed among your facilities making them cleaner and helping the environmental health efforts in your district. Constituents will thank you, and you can rest assured that when you are getting health care, or eating a great meal in your region, that it will be that much cleaner and sanitary. These regulations are already part of food safety requirements, but until now had no way of being ensured and guided for proper execution.
Writing these devices into code will not only ensure this process, but can help raise revenue as well for the local government authorities while administering an amazing and much needed health movement nationwide. Inspection fees, administrative fees, and distribution fees are just a few ways local government agencies can help meet budget goals while stopping contamination in local facilities. It’s truly a win-win situation, so act now!
Contact us immediately to receive more information and begin the process to end contamination in your district!